EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International StudiesEWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International Studies

Job/Internship Postings

[Internship] [UN Global Compact Network Korea] 2023년 하반기 인턴 추가 채용

  • 작성일 : 2023-08-28
  • 조회수 : 632
  • 작성자 : GSIS

1. 서류접수: 2023년 9월 10(일) 23:59까지

- 접수방법: 영문 CV 및 Cover Letter을 하나의 pdf파일로 통합하여 이메일(recruit@globalcompact.kr)로 접수

- 파일이름: [Internship] 국문성명_제출일자(YYMMDD)

2. AI역량검사(온라인): 2023년 9월 14(목) ~ 17일(일) 23:59까지(서류합격자에 한하여)

3. 대면면접: 2023년 9월 20일(수) ~ 22일(금) 중 실시예정(AI면접 합격자에 한하여)

4. 최종합격통보 : 2023년 9월 26일(화) 예정

5. 근무시작일 : 2023년 10월 4일(6개월, 근무시작일은 조정될 수 있음)

The United Nations Global Compact Network Korea is currently seeking recent graduates who are

interested in acquiring experiences in fieldwork and research related to corporate sustainability

through this internship.


The programme will provide a greater understanding of the Global Compact’s Ten Principles in the

areas of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption as well as the Sustainable

Development Goals. Interns will undertake work related to a range of Corporate Sustainability

issues, including business and human rights, women empowerment, anti-corruption, environment,

partnerships for development, and other collective action in support of the Global Goals.


- Conduct desk-research on issues related to corporate sustainability

- Translate publications, papers and other documents from English to Korean, or vice-versa

- Assist maintaining the UN Global Compact Network Korea’s website and social media

accounts (Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.)

- Support the organization and hosting of meetings and events

- Assist in the coordination of the Communication on Progress

- Perform administrative tasks as assigned

- Draft and edit publications, papers and other documents

Eligibility Criteria

- Potential candidates should have graduated with a university degree or higher(master’s

degree preferred)

- Fluency in both spoken and written Korean and English is preferred

- Advanced computer literacy is a plus (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, WordPress,

, HTML5/CSS3, etc.)

- Familiarity with ESG, corporate social responsibility and the activities of the Global

Compact is a plus

- Should you have any inquiries regarding the internship, please contact


- If there are no suitable candidates as a result of the recruitment process, they may not be
