EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International StudiesEWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International Studies


Revised Regulations on Internship Credit (as of 2020 Fall Semester)

  • GSIS

Ewha GSIS Regulations on Internship Credit
(as of 2020 Fall Semester)


       I.           ELIGIBILITY

Students that are enrolled in the Master’s program, the Doctoral program and the Combined Master’s and Doctoral program of both International Studies and Korean Studies.




    1. Internship at GSIS Office and affiliated institutes


    Students can apply for short-term internship (1 credit – 160 hours) with the approval of the GCMC Director given the following conditions:


    a. Working as unpaid assistant at research institutes or research centers at GSIS (e.g. Institute for Development and Human Security, Institute for International and Area Studies, Cambodia Development Institute, Center for Global Social Responsibility, etc.) can be accepted as internship on the condition that it helps the students get professional working experience and expand their professional network for their future careers.


    b. International students who work as unpaid assistants at GSIS office can receive internship credit on the condition that it helps them get professional working experience with Koreans and improve their Korean language skills.


    c. Unpaid research assistants of professors as GSIS conducting a project under the guidance of GSIS professors can only apply for short-term internship if it is a professional project (e.g. international conference, forum, workshop, etc.) which can be helpful to students in terms of work experience and career.

    o  Academic projects cannot be credited as internship but rather can be credited as an independent study instead.


    2. Internship outside GSIS


    a. The internship company should hold a valid business license issued by the government the company is located at.


    b. Business license verification is only exempted for the following institutions and organizations:

    o   The UN

    o   The UN-affiliated International Organizations (for GDIS students)

    o   Public institution for Korean language including school, school-affiliated institutions

    o   Local government’s multicultural center (for GDKS students)




    1.   Students can receive credit/s for their internship on the same semester they have conducted it or the next semester after conducting the internship (e.g. internship done during the winter vacation can be credited in the following Spring semester through course registration in February or in the next Fall semester through course registration in August).

    ·    In any case, whether one chooses to credit it on the immediate preceding semester or the next, students are to follow the Internship Credit Approval Process and submit the proposal form and other documents needed prior to the beginning of the internship.


    2.   Grades for internship credit can only be received if the student successfully finished the required internship hours and finished all steps of the Internship Credit Approval Process.


    3.   The Internship Credit Approval Process for both International Studies and Korean Studies are explained on their own respective internship categories on the GSIS website. Kindly access the page of your desired department in order to view a thorough explanation regarding it.




    # of Credits



    Domestic Internship

    International Internship

    Domestic Internship

    International Internship






















    * Master’s Program and Doctoral Program: Maximum of 10 credits can be acknowledged and credited

    * Combined M-D Program: Maximum of 15 credits can be acknowledged and credited (i.e. 10 credits during the Master’s Program and 5 credits during the Doctoral program)


         V.           EFFECTIVITY


    1.   This regulations are to be effective from 2020 Fall Semester.


    2.   In light of the unstable situation due to the global COVID-19 pandemic situation, these regulations may be applied with flexibility for the benefit of the students taking the internship for the 2020 Fall semester.


    3.   The GCMC will keep the students updated and provide relevant information regarding new updates in relevance to the internship.


    4.   If you have further queries regarding the internship, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact the GCMC office at (02) 3277-3651 / gcmc@ewha.ac.kr or visit the GCMC office at the International Education Building, Room #1102.