[GSIS 4-1] Application Form for Professional Training Courses 국제학과 전문분야실습교과목 수강신청서
ONLINE SURVEY LINK: https://forms.gle/2XWiH8At5DxDWf8A6
1. 반드시 국제학과 수강신청 공지사항 내 안내문 확인 후 신청.
Please make sure to check the GDIS Course registration guide file in the announcement before applying through above link.
2. '수강신청 기간' 및 '수강신청 확인 및 변경기간'에만 신청 가능.
Application will be only available during the 'Course Registration Period' & 'Registration Confirmation and Change Period'.
3. 링크가 실행이 안되는 경우, 다른 브라우저로 시도해보시기 바랍니다 (e.g. Chrome, etc.).
If the link above does not work, please try with different browsers (e.g. Chrome, etc.).
4. 위의 링크로 신청한 과목은 '수강신청 기간' / '수강신청 확인 및 변경기간' 이후 수강신청 리스트에 입력 예정.
The courses applied through above link will be added into the course list only after the 'Course registration Period' / 'Registration Confirmation and Change Period'.
Revised as of February 4, 2021
Revised as of February 10, 2021
Revised as of February 16, 2021
Revised as of March 12, 2021
Revised as of August 6, 2021
Revised as of January 28, 2022
Revised as of August 16, 2022
Revised as of February 14, 2023
Revised as of August 16, 2023
Revised as of February 13, 2024
Revised as of August 9, 2024