EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International StudiesEWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International Studies

International Studies

[GSIS 4-2] Revised Application form for Credit Exchange(Course offered outside institution of Ewha Womans University) 외부 대학교 대학원 개설 교과목 학점교환 수강 신청서

  • 작성일 : 2018-02-06
  • 조회수 : 947
  • 작성자 : GSIS

*  Updated as of September 5, 2022

국제학과 교수회의 결정에 따라 학점인정 관련 내규가 변경되어 업데이트 된 양식을 공지합니다.

(업데이트 사항: CASE A & B 설명 추가)

The form has been updated based on the decision from the GDIS Faculty Meeting.

(Detailed explanation has been added in the CASE A & B)


* Updated as of August 18, 2020

국제학과 교수회의 결정에 따라 

학점인정 관련 내규가 변경되어 양식도 함께 업데이트되었습니다.

(변경 사항: 학위과정별 최대 학점인정 수 변경, CASE C 변경)

GDIS faculty has decided to change regulations of credit exchange. The attached form has been changed accordingly.

(Total number of credits & CASE C changed)


* Updated as of April 24, 2020

국제학과 교수회의 결정에 따라

박사과정 학생 학점인정 관련 내규가 변경되어 양식도 함께 업데이트되었습니다.


1. Credit acknowledgement

GDIS faculty meeting have decided to accept more credits towards concentration major and 21st century field. Please refer to below bylaw of [Case C]. Please use the attached file from April 2017.


[Case C] In addition to 9 credits from Case A or Case B, a Ph.D. student may petition up to another 6 credits for acknowledgement. These 6 credits may include: (1) courses taken within GDIS that are outside of her concentration (2) courses taken outside of GDIS

These courses can be acknowledged as concentration major and 21st century courses. This is in effect from Spring 2017 semester.


[CASE A] Classes not counting for (1) major concentration requirements), (2) major concentration electives and (3) credits counting towards 21st century certificates, students are free to choose as long as the course is within the field of International Studies. (Academic advisor and Department Chair’s approval is needed.)



[CASE B] In exceptional cases, courses to be counted as (1) major concentration requirements), (2) major concentration electives and (3) credits counting towards 21st century certificates. Students have to show they can not take (1)(2)(3) course at Ewha GSIS. The course should be equivalent to one offered within the GDIS curriculum and which is not offered at Ewha GSIS in the same semester (with approval of advisor & major director & chair & Dean). If approved, students cannot take same course at Ewha GSIS.


  * Grade mark (A+, A0…F) will be shown at the transcript and will be counted for total GPA.