EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International StudiesEWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International Studies


Thesis Template update: [GDIS] 2024-2 PhD Dissertation Seminar Schedule / 2024-2 국제학과 박사 논문 세미나 일정 안내 (Z0002, Z0003)

  • GDIS

<[GDIS] 2024-2 PhD Dissertation Seminar Schedule / 2024-2 국제학과 박사 논문 세미나 일정 안내 (Z0002, Z0003)>

Please refer to the attached PhD Dissertation Seminars' schedule and guideline for detailed information on Fall 2024 PhD Dissertation Seminar (Z0002, Z0003) 

(NOTE: If any updates are required, they will be posted on this page.)

1) Please make sure to check the Dissertation seminar guidelines carefully! All schedule is the strict schedule! (no late submission)

2) There are separate Guidelines for Z0002 & Z0003. 

3) Please take responsibility for preparing your dissertation.

* The final screening is ONLY allowed as an offline oral method (Z0003).

For Inquiry: Department of International Studies (gdis@ewha.ac.kr)