EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International StudiesEWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International Studies


[교환/Exchange] IUJ 석사 교환프로그램 선발 안내 | International University of Japan Master Exchange Program Selection (~10/11)

  • 국제대학원

<Application for Spring 2025 IUJ Exchange program> 

1. Application Deadline: 2024.10.11.(Fri.) 17:00, via email to GSIS main office(gsis@ewha.ac.kr)  

(All the documents are required to be submitted via email first, but please note that the original hard copies may be also required during the further process.)

2. Required Documents: Please refer to the attachment.

3. Inquiry

-About Program: Professor Jinhwan Oh (joh@ewha.ac.kr)

-General Information: GSIS main office (gsis@ewha.ac.kr)