EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International StudiesEWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International Studies


[GDIS] Spring 2018 Incoming Student Tuition Payment Schedule / 2018학년도 전기 국제대학원 신입생 등록금 납부안내

  • 작성일 : 2018-02-01
  • 조회수 : 1329
  • 작성자 : GSIS

Ewha GSIS Tuition Payment for Spring 2018 semester (for incoming students)


  1. Tuition Payment Period: 2018 January 24 (Wed.) ~ January 26 (Fri.)  09:00~16:00 only available


2. Tuition Bill Printout: 2018 January 23 (Tue.) (from10:00)

  Webpage for print out  Click

* You can pay tuition at a Shinhan bank with your application number.


3. Tuition Payment Procedure

(1) Remit tuition to the Shinhan Bank virtual account on your tuition bill.

* Virtual account given to each individual student is only for tuition payment and only deposit is available. Sender’s name can be different with student’s name since payment is verified by each virtual account number. However, the total amount should be exactly same as on tuition bill.

(2) Recipient’s (Depositor’s) name will appear as 이대대 (Ewha Womans University) and your name. (e.g., 이대대Helen Brown)

(3) Payment should and can only be conducted once with total amount.

(4) Additional fee is optional: (if you decided to pay, please send with tuition as total amount)


Additional fee


Health Service Center Fee

(23,200 KRW)

Students who paid Health Service Center bill can use University Health Service Center for one semester (including following vacation).

- (free of charge) Regular health check (once a year), medication and consultation with doctor

- (charged-actual fee) vaccination, scaling, clinical laboratory test, X-ray examination

* Inquiry  02-3277-3181(University Health Service Center)

* Students can pay directly to Health Service Center after semester starts.













(5) Payment is only available 09:00~16:00 even through internet banking.

(6) Remittance charge will be students’ expenses when using a financial agency other than Shinhan Bank.

(7) Remittance can not be made from CMA account to one’s payment virtual account.

(8) When using ATM, please note the followings:

- Amount over 6 million won can only be transferred by Shinhan Bank ATM.

- Choose “다른업무” → Choose “등록금” on “지로/공과금/등록금/송달료” menu at Shinhan Bank ATM

(Code of Graduate School of Ewha Womans University: 47005)


4. Payment for full scholarship students (In case tuition is ‘0’)

If total amount of Tuition Bill is marked ‘0’, students can be enrolled by transferring additional fee.

Please visit Shinhan Bank to enroll without additional fee.


5. Confirmation for payment (Real time confirmation, provided in Korean) can be made online at Ewha Portal and Shinhan Bank website:


Click here for direct link.(Input information-School name, Application ID number, Name, Payment date in Korean)


Ewha Portal: Click here for Ewha EUREKA portal. Login with application number and date of birth (6 digit number). 『등록』『등록금납부확인서』



** Overseas Tuition Wire

  • If possible, please wire the amount as soon as checking the tuition bill as it may take a week or two for an international wire transfer to reach each applicant’s virtual account.
  • When wiring money to your virtual Shinhan account from overseas to Korea, transaction and commission fees will be charged by both your local bank and Shinhan Bank in Korea.
  • Please note that both the tuition and the service charge must be transferred in total sum at the same time. Approximately, a fee of 10,000 Korean Won will be charged for a commission from Shinhan Bank. In addition to this, you need to add the fee for wiring charged by your local bank. You need check with your local bank directly for how much it will be.
  • It is important that the total sum you wire is NOT less than the actual sum you are required to pay. It has to be exactly the same or more than the total of your tuition fee, transaction and commission fees (bank fees), and application fee (if applicable). This is because if the sum you wire lacks 1 Korean Won than the total amount you are supposed to pay, your virtual amount will automatically reject the transaction.
  • Please double check with your local bank to wire the sum that exceeds the total amount you need to wire in Korean Won currency. Please be aware of the fluctuating exchange rate and make sure you do not wire a lacking amount. In case you wired the amount more than you needed to pay, we will refund the balance back to you at the beginning of the semester. Once again, we strongly ask you to make sure that you wire sufficient amount for successful registration.

* For foreign applicants who pay tuition from overseas bank, please contact GSIS Office at gsis97@ewha.ac.kr or 02-3277-3652.

 Bank Information

  • Name of Bank: Shin Han Bank
  • Swift Code: SHBKKRSE
  • Branch Name: Ewha Womans University Branch
  • Address: 52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03760, Korea
  • Account No.: 14 digit number stated on your tuition bill
  • Depositor: 이대대(Student name)(Ewha Womans University(Student Name))



2018학년도 전기 국제대학원 신입생 등록금 납부안내


1. 납부기간: 2018.1.24.() ~ 1.26.( 납부가능시간 09:00~16:00


2. 고지서 출력

각대학원 신입생 등록금 고지서출력 (2018.1.23.() 10:00부터 출력가능)

 납부기간동안 신한은행 창구에서는 고지서가 없어도 수험번호 조회로 납부 가능함.

3. 납부방법

(1) 금융기관을 이용(창구납부,인터넷뱅킹,텔레뱅킹,ATM 이체)하여 본인 등록금 고지 서상의 납부계좌(가상계좌) 송금합니다.

 가상계좌 수험생에게 개별적으로 부여된 고유계좌이며 입금만 가능합니다.

학교는 입금전용계좌번호로 등록을 확인하므로 입금  입금인은 본인이 아니어도 되지만 입금액은 고지서 상의 금액과 정확히일치해야 합니다.

(2) 수취인(예금주)명은 이대대(본인명) 표시됩니다. (:이대대김이화)

(3) 가상계좌로의 입금은 1회만 가능합니다따라서 납부하고자 하는 항목의 금액을 모두 합산하여 송금하여야 합니다.

(4) 등록금이외의 기타납부금은 선택사항입니다.(납부시에는 등록금과 합산한 금액으로









납부 ,

현금 별도납부


대학건강센터는 건강공제회비를 납부한 학생이 해당 학기

(방학 포함동안

이용   있음

- (무료)

    의사진료와 투약처치와 상담회수 제한 없음

     1 정기건강검사 : 건강공제회원인 학기 중의 공지에 따라 신청가능 

 -(실비부담체성분검사치석제거임상병리검사흉부X- 촬영 





(5) 인터넷뱅킹 등의 경우에도 납부가능시간(09:00-16:00) 내에만 이체 가능합니다.

(6) 송금수수료신한은행 이외의  은행을 이용할 경우 발생할  있으며 이는 본인


(7) CMA계좌에서 납부계좌로의 이체는 불가능합니다.

(8) ATM 납부시 유의사항:

600만원을 초과하는 등록금을 자동화기기로 납부할 경우신한은행ATM기만 사용 가능합니다.

ㆍ신한은행 ATM 「다른 업무」 → 「지로/공과금/등록금/송달료」메뉴를 선택하여 납부합니다 이화여대 대학원 학교코드: 47005

4. 전액장학생의 납부방법 (등록금실납부금액이 ‘0’원인 경우)

장학금 감면 후의 등록금 실납부액이 ‘0으로 표시된 경우기타납부금 항목을

입금전용계좌로 송금하여 등록합니다기타납부금 없이 ‘0고지서만으로 등록하려면

신한은행 창구를 방문하여 처리합니다.

5. 실시간 납부확인

(1) 신한은행 홈페이지 좌측하단 간편서비스대학등록금납부조회에서

실시간확인이 가능합니다.

신한은행납부조회바로가기 (학교수험번호이름납부일자 입력)

 문의 :  3277-2089

(2) 본교 신입생 인트라넷을 통해 확인이 가능합니다.


(아이디 :학번비밀번호생년월일 6자리로 로그인   등록->등록금납부확인서 클릭하여 확인




 해외송금 안내

-        송금 시일이 1-2 소요될 있으므로등록금 고지서를 확인 일찍 송금을 권유함.

-        등록금을 해외에서 송금 경우에는 “납부해야 하는 등록금외에 “수수료 포함한 금액으로 한꺼번에 합산하여 한번에 송금해야 .

-        수수료: A)보내는 은행 수수료, B)중계은행 수수료, C)한국 수신 은행 수수료  3가지 (A, B 수수료는 A 은행에 문의해야 . C 수수료(신한은행)  10,000원임)

-        한국 신한은행 접수시 당일 환율에 따라 최종 입금된 원화 금액이 변동될 있음

-        입금액이 원화 기준의 등록금액보다 적다면 해외에서 송금한 등록금이 접수 처리되지 않음등록금액과 정확히 맞거나 값일 경우에만 등록금 납부로 처리됨.

-        등록금액을 초과하여 입금된 차액은학생이 입학한 후에 절차에 따라 환급 예정.

-        해외송금으로 등록금 납부시 국제대학원 행정실 (gsis97@ewha.ac.kr) 입금날짜를 알려주시기 바랍니다.



[수신은행 정보]

Ø  은행이름: Shin Han Bank

Ø  Swift Code: SHBKKRSE

Ø  은행지점명: Ewha Womans University Branch

Ø  은행주소: 52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03760, Korea

  • 계좌번호개인별 등록금 고지서에 표기된 14 자리의 계좌번호