EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International StudiesEWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International Studies


Ewha Graduation Ceremony & GSIS Convocation Ceremony (organized by GSIS Student Council) on August 31st

  • 작성일 : 2018-08-09
  • 조회수 : 1094
  • 작성자 : GSIS

1.    Ewha Graduation Ceremony

a.    Date: August 31 (Fri.), 2018, at 10 a.m. (duration of approximately 1 hour)

Place: Welch-Ryang Auditorium (대강당)

b.    Graduates should enter the Welch-Ryang Auditorium by 9:40 a.m., wearing a gown, hood, tassel and cap. Graduates are not allowed to enter or leave the room after the ceremony begins.

c.    Certificate of diploma will be distributed at the GSIS Convocation Ceremony. Students who won’t be able attend the event will have to collect their diploma at the GSIS office after the Convocation Ceremony.


2.    GSIS Convocation Ceremony (organized by GSIS Student Council)

a.    Date: August 31 (Fri.), 2018, at 11:30 a.m. (duration of approximately 90 mins)

Place: ECC Theater (underground hall in front of Dr. Robbin, on B4 ECC)

b.    Certificate of diploma will be distributed.



3.    Gown Rentals

a.    Date: August 24(Fri.) ~ 31(Fri), 2018, 09:00-17:00 (except 12:00-1:00)

Place: Department office (#1102, International Education Bldg): Early rental is recommended for washing and ironing.

b.    Rental Deposit: 30,000 won for gown/hood/tassel/cap rental (will be fully reimbursed when gown set is fully returned).

c.    Graduates should return the gowns after the convocation ceremony is over.

d.    Doctoral students are responsible for preparing their own gown/hood/tassel/cap.