[GDIS] Spring 2024 Comprehensive Evaluation Application (Master's) / 2024-1 국제학과 석사 종합시험 신청 안내
Notice on Comprehensive Evaluation Application (Master’s Program)
► Eligibility
Master's students who have registered for 3 semesters (or more) and achieved or expect to achieve 35 credits (or more) valid for graduation can apply.
► Due date: June 10 (Mon) - June 24 (Mon), 5PM
Submit the [GSIS 7-1-1-A] form (attached) & original transcript to GDIS (via email (gdis@ewha.ac.kr) or by visiting the GDIS office (IEB #1102))
* Late submissions will NOT be accepted under any circumstances.
► How to apply for Comprehensive Evaluation (Previously Comprehensive Exam)?
- For master’s students, instead of having a paper-based comprehensive exam, we proceed with document submission.
- Please fill out the attached form listing 3 courses for which you have received B0 or higher grade among your functional concentration requirements and concentration elective courses.
- Get your academic advisor’s signature. (Important)
(Approval email from professors on using their stamp in the office can be also accepted when its email is forwarded to GDIS.)
- Write down your own signature. (Important)
- Submit to the GDIS office by the deadline.
- Handwritten document will not be accepted.
► Inquiry
GDIS office (gdis@ewha.ac.kr)
※ Before submitting the form, please check again whether the courses you write down are among your functional [concentration requirements] and [concentration electives] courses. You can compare them by checking the curriculum in the student handbook. (Spring 2024 Handbook / 2024-1 국제학과 학사 핸드북 & and the handbook published on your admitted academic semester)
※ If taking minors, students can apply for comprehensive exam only after fulfilling the required credits of their own major including minor required credits.
For more details, please refer to the Minor Application Announcement on GSIS website.