EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International StudiesEWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International Studies

Seminars & Conference

[Recruitment] [Human Asia (휴먼아시아)] 9th International Model UN UPR (제9회 모의 UN UPR 참가자 모집 )

  • GSIS

Applications for the 2024 9th I-Model UN UPR are now open!

Join us for the only MUN based on the Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review. Meet fellow human rights students from diverse countries, compete for financial prizes, improve your knowledge and skills in human rights practice, and receive trainings and feedback from regional human rights experts!

○ Eligibility: Undergraduate and Graduate School students

○ Registration deadline: 15 July 11:59PM (KST)

Apply online via: bit.ly/2024UPR or scan the QR code

○ Key Dates:

Finalist announcement: 17 July

Training session: 24 July

Model UPR final: 23 August

○ Thematic Issues:

Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Migrant and Refugee Rights
Human RIghts and the Environment

○ Awards:
First Place Winners will receive the Minister of Foreign Affairs (ROK) Award

1st prize: KRW 1,500,000 (approx. 1100 USD)

2nd prize: KRW 1,000,000 (approx. 750 USD)

3rd prize: KRW 750,000(approx. 560 USD)

4th prize : KRW 500,000 (approx. 370 USD)

* per team (before tax)

○ For further inquiries, please contact:humanjustice@humanasia.org

올해로 9번째를맞이한모의UN UPR대사단모집이시작됩니다!

유엔인권보호메커니즘을경험할수있는모의UN UPR에여러분을초대합니다.


○참가신청마감: 2024.07.15 23:59시


참가자발표: 2024.07.17

트레이닝세션: 2024.07.24 13시~ 17시(TBD)

결승전: 2024.08.23 10시~ 17시(고려대학교국제관)









