EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International StudiesEWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International Studies

Seminars & Conference

[Conference] [International Youth Day 2024]

  • GSIS

Event Information

▲Title: International Youth Day 2024

▲Date: 15:00~20:00 UTC+9 12th August 2024

▲Venue: Hankuk university of foreign studies Seoul campus, Obama hall, international conference room


1) Youth entrepreneurship for the SDGs

2) Educating & Training for future generations

▲Register Link: https://forms.gle/WVNsaTq7ijbcZMgS6

▲ 홈페이지 : www.sdgyouth.org

▲ 블로그 : blog.naver.com/sdgyouthorg

we are also preparing a movie ticket and Starbucks voucher event at the venue.