EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International StudiesEWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International Studies


[GDIS] Course registration for Spring 2024 / 2024-1 국제학과 수강신청

  • GDIS

*Please make sure to refer to the attached files for detailed information on Spring 2024 Course Registration & due dates for related Petition submissions.

(UPDATED_2024.02.08_Deadline changed for 'Application/Change of Advisor' from the Word files (docx) )

1. 온라인 수강신청시스템 (Online Course Registration): http://sugang.ewha.ac.kr 

2. 2024-1학기 강의시간표 조회 안내 (Guide to Course for Spring 2024 Semester): ewha.ac.kr > 학사안내 (Academics) > 강의시간표/계획안 (Course) > 대학원 (Graduate)

-전체강의조회 (All courses): [LINK]

-영어강의조회(English Taught Courses): [LINK]

3. 2024학년도 1학기 대학원 수강신청 안내 (Guide to Registration for Spring 2024 Semester)

수강신청 기간
2.14(수, Wed) 09:00 ~ 2.16(금, Fri) 17:00 
수강신청 확인 및 변경기간
Registration confirmation and change period
3.5(화, Tue) 09:00 ~ 3.11(월,Mon) 15:00 
수강철회 기간
Withdrawal period
3.25(월, Mon) 09:00 ~ 3.29(금, Fri) 17:00

4. Spring 2024 GDIS Curriculum and Course Timetable: Please refer to the attached files.


-학수번호가 바뀌었어도 과목명이 같으면 동일 과목으로, 두 과목 모두 들을 경우 한번 수강한 것으로 졸업사정 시 처리

-과목명이 변경되었어도 학수번호가 같을 경우 동일 과목으로, 두과목 모두 들어도 한번 수강한 것으로 졸업사정 시 처리

-Even if the course number has been changed, it will be counted as same course when its course title remain the same, which means only 1 course will be counted during the graduation review.

-Even if the course title has been changed, it will be counted as same course when its course number remain the same, which means only 1 course will be counted during the graduation review.

5. 석사 및 통합과정 Professional Training Courses 수강신청 안내 (Guide to Registration for Professional Training Courses (Master's & Combined M-D)

- 12학점 내 IS300/301 DGLS, IS302 Short-term internship 과목 수강할 경우, 위 수강신청 페이지(sugang.ewha.ac.kr)에서 신청

- 12학점 초과하여 IS300/301 DGLS, IS302 Short-term internship 과목 수강할 경우: [LINK]에서 IS300/301, IS302 과목 신청 Form 작성 후 제출 (3학점까지 추가 가능)

* 2023-2학기부터 IS319 Academic Skills 는 일반 교과목과 동일하게 수강신청 페이지에서 직접 신청. (IS319 수강으로 인한 일반 교과목 신청 불가능 시, 수강신청 원하는 일반 교과목을 국제대학원행정실(gsis97@ewha.ac.kr)로 메일 발송 시 수강 가능 정원 남아있는 경우에 한해 행정실에서 수강신청 예정)

- Students who are planning to take IS300/301 DGLS, IS302 Short-term internship within 12 credits: apply on the  course registration website(sugang.ewha.ac.kr) above.

- Students who are planning to take IS300/301 DGLS, IS302 Short-term internship in excess of 12 credits: Fill out the application form for those courses in the [LINK](up to 3 credits can be added)

* From Fall 2023 semester, ‘IS319 Academic Skills’ should be registered through ‘course registration website (sugang.ewha.ac.kr)’ as other general courses. 

(Students who cannot register 1 general course due to the registration of the IS319, please email GSIS office (gsis97@ewha.ac.kr) with the course number & title of the general course, then the office will register its general course when there is vacancy left.)

6. 각종 수강신청 기간 내 신청서 서식은 [LINK]에서 확인 가능하며, 자세한 사항은 첨부파일 참고 바랍니다. (업데이트 시 본 페이지에 게시 예정)

All the application forms related to the course registration can be found in the [LINK], and please refer to the attached file for more detailed information. (Further updates will be uploaded in this post.)

7. 문의 Inquiry

국제학과 Department of International Studies (GDIS): gdis@ewha.ac.kr