EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International StudiesEWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International Studies

Seminars & Conference

'President Trump's Foreign Policy and the Denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula' 강연

  • 작성일 : 2018-08-29
  • 조회수 : 867
  • 작성자 : GSIS

동아시아재단에서 9 3일 주최하는 "President Trump's Foreign Policy and the Denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula" 


자세한 사항은 아래 내용과 첨부 자료 참고 부탁드립니다

일시: 2018/09/03

주제: "President Trump's Foreign Policy and the Denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula"

장소: 동아시아재단

강연자: Prof. Lawrence Freedman, University of Oxford

사회자: 문정인 교수님 (연세대학교)